Planet of Origin: Terra
Employer: FSRI, SDECC
FROM 5’1”/113 pounds in BRIDECRAFT
TO 7’4”/332 pounds in The Funkypediac.
FROM 32¼-21¼-36½, (31A bra, Dress size US-4, Shoe US-W5)
TO 53-27-51¼, (38O bra, Dress size US-28, Shoe US-W17)
Julie is an ambitious, highly intelligent and very busy young woman. She works for the FSRI as Nadia’s research assistant while completing her Master’s thesis and she is also the superintendent for the student housing building where the main characters of BRIDECRAFT reside. She is also the main (female) protagonist of “The Funkypediac” and an avid fan of Size change stories, specially those with growing women written by her favorite author Pr. Yang. She also loves role playing.
Born in “The Suburbs” Julie was precocious and over-achiever. In school she was usually at the top of her class. Sciences and Math were her preferred and strongest topics, leading to her pursuing higher education in Cellular Biology. Julie became sexually active in her early teens and would use fake IDs to visit bars, night clubs and subscribe to dating apps.
In BRIDECRAFT, Julie is described by Curt as having body image issues and over-using her one good asset, her backside, to get attention from men. Although she is mentioned in multiple occasions, she only appears in two issues of the story.
In The Funkypediac
Julie runs off to The Suburbs to surprise Pr. Yang with an unusual offer: Use her Funky-Spice based technology to grow herself into an amazon or maybe even taller to inspire him enough to write a new growth story: hers. Things never go exactly as planned but over the 2 following months, Julie grows and grows as the Shrink-O-Virus pandemic rages across The Country.
In The Size Dismorphism Experimental Care Center
In this new story, Julie and her partners use the new FSRI technology to help Shrink-O-Virus survivors of all shapes and sizes recover and move on from their traumatic experience. Now Residing in a luxurious Lake side apartment in Capitol City, Julie has some room to grow even taller.